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How To Create Content That 100% Will Go Viral

Create Content That Go Viral
Create Content That Go Viral

No matter what images you create or how crisp and original is the content, sometimes a content created to go viral never materializes. But some content pieces become a global sensation in no time. Every day we come across articles, images, videos, or memes that are widely shared across the web on blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and their core concepts inspire millions of people.

Viral content has become a tool in the hands of businesses that use it to project their social media pages, website or blog and attract new customers. Technically, viral content also earns backlinks to a focused page which holds immense value to improve the ranking of a website.

Easy Ways To Connect With Your Audience

What makes content go viral? We can track some features of the most shared content out there. The inherent characteristics of content, such as its artistic value, uniqueness, innovation, or usefulness to masses are also ingredients of viral content. However, its worthiness and relevancy to current affairs make it compelling to go viral. Sometimes the external factors, such as the reach and influence of the sharer, or its appeal to multiple channels play the role to make the content viral.

As a content marketing agency, we understand the value of content that works and how it can fuel the campaigns we design for our clients. We engage our very own content writers, SEO experts, social media mavens, and creative resources to create brand stories that can attract the right audience with the right content.  

Interesting storytelling

Starbucks, the famous coffeehouse chain, is known for its content strategy that is marked with creative storytelling techniques that are different from typical branded content and paid marketing campaigns.

 In 2019 the Starbucks launched ‘Starbucks Stories’ to make a social impact with stories that people can relate to. Video and audio illustrations tagged as To Be Human, Starbucks illustrated the personal experiences of its customers and employees.

Let’s have a look at 10 best ways to make your content go viral.

  1. Long-form content gets more social shares than short-form content.
  2. Having at least one image in your post leads to more Facebook shares
  3. Having at least one image in your post leads to more Twitter shares
  4. Invoke awe, laughter, or amusement. Appeal to people’s narcissistic side
  5. People love to share lists and infographics
  6. 10 is the magic number for lists
  7. People tend to share content that looks trustworthy
  8. Getting one extra influencer to share your article has a multiplier effect
  9. Repromote your old content regularly
  10. The best day overall to publish content for social shares is Tuesday

Eassy Ways To Improve Your Organic Social Media Reach

Content that evokes good feelings

It is an open secret among content marketing strategists that content with very strong emotions gets more viral than other types. As a user of content, if you are emotionally aroused, you feel happy or excited, or if you are simply inspired by the innovative idea then there is the possibility that you would end up sharing it. Emotions like a moment of joy on a vacation, or beautiful natural surroundings, new invention, human excellence, culture, art, or an act of kindness by a celebrity are the types of ‘good feeling’ content that goes viral.

Influencer’s mantra 

A video post from Elon Musk went viral with some 33,000 retweets and over 270,000 likes. Although it showed simple dance moves there is a legacy of emotions attached to the sharer. He is doing things that are simply out of this world, having emotions of facing challenges and overcoming obstacles – inspiring millions of people every day and they wait for something new, exciting and awful from him.

Create content worth sharing on social media

How to make a post go viral? It looks unfair to label the content that usually goes viral on social media due to its diversity but just to give a perspective that what mostly works. Examining the social media the types of content that become the most shared content are breaking news, heartwarming stories, practical advice, and behind the scenes content.

According to a social media study by PEW, over 2.5 billion people around the globe use social media and the number is growing rapidly. So, to make the content go viral, it must be created in a way that can engage the audience on different social media channels.

How social media can serve as the impetus to make content go viral. Here are the findings:

5 Crucial Steps to Improve Your Brand Online Presence

  • Weekend posts generate a 25% higher engagement on Facebook.
  • Interaction levels vary by industry.
  • Use hashtags for better engagement on Facebook.
  • Native video content has the best organic reach of all types of content on Facebook.
  • YouTube traffic is the best in terms of engagement and lower bounce rates.
  • Instagram has the highest conversion rate from browser to shopper
  • Pinterest converts too, but it takes time.
  • Facebook is great for referral campaigns.
  • Instagram is a clear winner in viral marketing.
  • Your top promoters have less than 500 followers on Twitter.
  • Content on LinkedIn comes with the highest level of credibility.
  • Twitter users are impatient, they expect an immediate reply.
  • Facebook is your social network if you’re selling to seniors.
  • Social media have the greatest impact on the middle of your conversion funnel.
  • Email is the clear winner in ROI.

Keep the content visual

As content marketers, every day we take insights and find that content with great visuals, info-graphics, and videos get more reach and reactions than plain articles. Info-graphics have become the Holy Grail that every content strategist wants to use to make content go viral.

Visuals that mostly go viral include info-graphics, eye-catching photos, inspiring videos, quotes, colorful call-to-actions, visualized stats, tutorials, screenshots, quizzes, puzzles, and memes.    

Evoke emotion

Content that evokes an emotional reaction is more likely to go viral. Such emotions include awe, wonder, anxiety, sadness, and humor. This is where the mediums of video content or visual content work so well, yet other content types like well-written thought pieces or clever list posts can also bring worth and wonder to social media platforms.

Trending and newsworthy content

Content that is fresh, recent and trending grab more attention of the web users. Not only from the perspective that many people search for it but search engines also give priority to fresh content and place them on top of search results. This is where content strategists can grab space and make content go viral. As search results fetch everything relevant to that query; it can be an SEO article, news, video, social media page, images or FAQs.

People tend to share that type of content that arouses interest, exciting, filled with facts and surprises many. New York Times surveyed 2500 users to determine why content goes viral and why people share a specific piece of content. The findings were that the content most shared is entertaining, gives good feelings, helps them connect with others, informative and self-fulfilling, and is relevant to what they feel about on the topic.Every business, brand and content marketer aspires to go viral with interesting content and which can attract millions of people to their creation. However, viral content for businesses and brands is not just about the reach it is also about reaching the right people. The Proceed team understands it well and can help you get in front of the right audience with interesting storytelling.

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