Common English Mistakes Most Indian Make

In India many of us wants to become a writer or a blogger and for that we need to have full grasp over English language.

Indian writers and bloggers which are new to writing make some of the common mistakes.

This blog will highlight some of the common English mistakes made by Indians.

Although we have mentioned few mistakes but never assume that the list is complete.

Clearer NOT More Clear

What is correct to write “Clearer” or “More Clear”? You may have noticed that we use “more clear” in a sentence. However grammatically that could be wrong.

Instead of using it you could use “Clearer” the superlative. Similarly with other superlative instead of proceeding with an adjective you could use the superlative of the word.

This is the common English mistake made by Indians.

Between There and Their

This is easy but most of the Indians new to writing cannot distinguish between there and their.

It is very simple because there is used to describe place and their is a pronoun used to describe ownership of something or pointing towards a person.

While writing we confuse between these two. However, difference between them is very easy to make out.

Apostrophe ‘S or Just S

When do we use ‘S and just S. Again these are very silly mistakes that English writers in India make.

‘S is used to show possession of something. Like this pen belongs to a man. So we will say Rahul’s pen. Here we will not use Rahuls.

However just S is used to tell that the word is plural. Like there are so many pens. Here we wouldn’t use ‘S. So that is the difference.

Tenses – Have, Had

Tenses is the most common grammatical mistakes that most of the Indian makes. When to use past tense and present tense in a sentence they really don’t know.

I recommend reading and understanding a good English grammar book. Most common mistake is when to use has and had.

What is difference between has being, had being, have being.

Do or Does?

Do or Does I am always confused using and so are many young English writers in India.

But the difference is simple does is used with a third person. You never use do with a third person.

Hence you will say He does like the party or She Doesn’t like the party but he don’t like the party is wrong use.

This is the common mistake that we make.

Between Then and Than

Differentiating between then and than is also most common mistakes that we make. Here is the difference

Then is used to describe something happened afterwards. Like you say then what happened? Or it is used with If.

However than is used to compare something like Rahul is fatter than Amit. Than is for comparison.

Which and That

When do you use Which and That. That is a restrictive pronoun. However, which qualifies and that restricts. Which is more ambiguous?

Which is used for more specific purposes?

Putting Comma and Punctuation

You really make mistakes when and where you put comma and other punctuations marks.

If a comma is required after a word to give a pause then you should use a comma. Using unnecessary comma is also wrong.

Similarly you need to learn when to use punctuation marks.

Although and But

Although and but are used in same sentence like if and then. If you are not using but with although then sentence might not be complete.

Hence you should be careful using although and but.

I didn’t Bring or I didn’t Brought

Usually in India writers would say I didn’t brought my lunch box. However that is wrong English because you cannot use two past tense in one sentence.

The right way to say is I didn’t bring. This is the common mistake that most Indians make. Right usage of tenses is very important.

Between Affect and Effect

Usually we cannot make out a difference between affect and effect. However the difference is very simple.

Affect is used to say about immediate consequence of something. Like weather is not good and it can affect your health.

However effect is used for long term consequences like effect of nuclear explosion or effect of climate change.

Similarly, you make mistake using accept, expect and except. All three are different.

Its or It’s

Finally confusion is about using Its and It’s. What is the difference between these two?

If you know the possessive form of it is its not it’s. It’s is short form of it is. So the difference is very small but in a sentence it could mean a lot.Hence, these were some common mistakes made by Indians in English. There are many other mistakes that I have not mentioned here. You can read different article to improve your English.


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