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9 Easy Ways to Earn Money Online

Earn Money Online 2021
Earn Money Online

I can tell you the exact methods that I used to make money online. It took me about 6 months to learn the basics of writing, content marketing and website building. During the learning period, my earning was zero.

If you are looking for magic then you are in the wrong place.

The reality is that..

The Internet cannot give you instant money but you can build long term wealth from the internet.

You can earn a lot of money online, if

  • If you have a passion to learn a new skill (like content writing, SEO, designing, video editing)
  • You can work on starting a profitable blog and expect some income in 6-8 months depending on your smart work.

Here are some cool ways to earn money :

1. Asking Questions on Quora

Quora is probably short for Questions or Answers. Since its inception, people know the site for its smart audience. People like Jimmy Wales and Barack Obama are part of the social network. That should say something about the website. However, of late, the network’s popularity has grown. The platform is now available in multiple languages, and the site has understood the significance of asking the right questions to an appropriate audience. That is why it is rewarding folks who ask a question that gets answered and read by many.

Actually I am talking about Quora Partner Program where Quora invites you to ask questions. You can earn in the range of $50 to $500 or more per week depending on the intensity of your research and how well you can replicate the good work in multiple fields. The best part is this ‘job’ only needs an hour or two of your time. If you can strike gold within that time, nothing like it. And the worst part is that this program is ‘invite only’ program i.e. you can be a part of it until they want. You can get paid via PayPal.

2. Writing on Textbroker

If you are a freelance writer, there is no better platform to make money online than textbroker. Textbroker allows you to contribute alone (like Batman) or be part of a team (Justice League?). The difference between the two is that team orders keep the coffers ringing while you might have to wait to be established as a writer who would get direct orders on the site. (Direct orders allow you to deviate from the market average and set your own price, but it obviously needs experience and a lot of goodwill) The rates are pretty standard. The only catch is the clients you choose. Some companies might bargain heavily, and it is better to avoid these firms and go for those who pay upfront and keep discussions transparent. You can always choose a field of your choice to write: something like psychology which you might have experience in or something which interests you, something which you like writing about.

3. YouTube Videos

With the quantum leap made by mobile companies, shooting a high-quality video on your cell phone is child’s play. There are interesting things happening around you every day. Add some passion to the mix, and you have a lethal money-making tool in your hand. The new rules of YouTube dictate that your channel must have 4000 hours of viewing and 1000 followers in the last 12 months to qualify for monetization. That is easy if you can keep providing the audience with the information they need. And in the era of plenty, everybody can use some direction in the form of the right information.

4. Stock Market

Recently, the competitor of Uber, Lyft, was serious about going public. After the IPO launch, the company was expected to be valued at $24 billion. Now, that is some solid information that some blogs can give you. If making money is your high, Stocks are your methamphetamine. In fact, people are now starting to invest in companies that are not even on their lands and making loads of cash off their investments. For instance, folks are looking to invest in Alibaba stock because of the worldwide reputation the stocks have. From Jack Ma quitting to the chaotic political climate in Hong Kong, the firm and its stocks have seen the fortunes ebb and tide, but it is still standing. Such intricate details about every company you invest in should be known to you, and this can be achieved by continuous research.

5. Publishing kindle e-books on Amazon

There are two ways you can go about this: if you are a writer, you could publish your own books online through kindle and amazon. If you are a person who is well connected to many authors, you could do the publishing for them and earn great amounts of money. There are people in this business who make more than $100,000 per year. Of course, you get there through experience and the insights that it brings.

6. Amazon Associates Program

It is not necessary to be an author to earn good money through Amazon. The amazon associates program lets you do that easily. However, having a good website with a decent number of hits is a prerequisite. You then have to include the links to amazon products on your website, and if a person visiting your site makes a purchase through that particular link, you get 5-10% of the price they paid as commission after 60 days of purchase. This is a great channel helping you generate passive income.

7. Clickbank

If selling something online comes naturally to you, you should definitely try Clickbank. The only difference between this option and Amazon is that the sellers on this platform offer you up to 75% of the selling price as margin!

8. Flippa

If you want to take e-selling a notch higher, you should check out Flippa. The site helps you browse through digital assets like apps and even websites, be part of an auction for buying them and later sell them at a good margin. You can even buy e-commerce websites that are doing well, for the right amount of dough, of course!

9. Shutterstock

Even Aquaman was said to use some Shutterstock images. Such is its ubiquity. While you might have used Shutterstock for many of your presentations, have you ever imagined what would happen if it was one of your photos that people were downloading? The answer: you would be making money, yes. If your passion is photography and you like to publish your photos online, then Shutterstock is the place to be. So next time when you know you are going to blow up your Instagram account with likes and comments with one of your photos, post it on Shutterstock first.

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